Is Kingdom Purpose Women off limits to the men?
Although Kingdom Purpose Women focuses on women of all ages, the truths being taught are appropriate to men. But men beware! In the the teachings you will find life situations typically faced by women and the examples used are common to women’s issues in the family and the workplace.
What is the age appropriateness of this website. Can my teen-age daughter safely read it and watch the videos?
Yes, we encourage teen-agers to engage with the website and fully expect they will gain a lot from following the lessons and teachings here. The earlier and more frequently they are exposed to the truth of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, the stronger they will be in resisting temptations and the less they will desire the pleasures of the world, as they will be able to perceive dangers in the world around them and be equipped with the sword of the Spirit – the Word of God.
I would like to sign up for email notifications of new content, but I really do not want to get bombarded with emails in my inbox. How often would I receive email notifications if I sign up?
Notifications are sent out in a newsletter format once or twice a week. KPW does not send out notifications for each individual article, post or video; rather, the team sends out a notification each week identifying new content posted for that week. Any content in the newsletter that you want to go see is only one click away. Occasionally there may be a need for a special 2nd newsletter during a week, but not very often.
Do you have a question you would like to ask about Kingdom Purpose Women? Please submit general questions or comments about the website and ministry by emailing:
For questions pertaining to the Bible or teachings on the website, or to inquire about scheduling an event, please email Marjorie directly: