Thus far in this teaching series, you have learned some very important foundational concepts concerning the Kingdom of God and you should be taking your very first baby steps in learning to walk by the power of God.
The picture that should be emerging is:
- Jesus is the only way to enter into the Kingdom
- Abiding in Jesus is the only life in the Kingdom
- Dwelling in Jesus is the only protection in the Kingdom
- Life in the Kingdom is beyond our 3 dimensional world
In essence, keeping your eyes on Jesus is your only hope. Once you learn to live with your eyes entirely on Jesus, living entirely by the Word of God, you will find that there is an immeasurable greatness of power toward us who believe. (Ephesians 1:19).
In the 14th chapter of Matthew, we see a demonstration of this immeasurable greatness of power. Jesus sent His disciples out on a boat to sail to another region with intentions to catch up to them later. During the night at the height of a storm, the disciples’ boat is struggling. They look out upon the sea and are shocked to see Jesus coming to them walking on the water! Peter, who is always the brazen one, asks Jesus if he could walk on the water, and Jesus said, “Come.” So this natural human man gets out of the boat during a storm and walks on the water to Jesus! But once he got to Jesus, he noticed the wind, fear came in, and he began to sink. In this moment, he looked back to Jesus and cried out,”Lord! Save me!” Jesus reached out his hand and did so.
It is very important to note that as long as Peter had his eyes fixed on Jesus
- He walked in supernatural power.
- The natural had no power over him.
- He was operating in dimensions beyond our natural 3 dimensions
As soon as he took his eyes off Jesus:
- Fear had an entrance into him
- He began to sink.
- He was now controlled by the natural 3 dimensional circumstances
- He was no longer operating in the supernatural
Once he fixed His eyes back on Jesus and called upon His name:
- He was back on top of the water and walked back to the boat
- The limitations of the 3 dimensional world lost its grip on him
- He once again was operating in the supernatural dimensions
Please allow me a simple summary
- Eyes off Jesus = drowning in your circumstances
- Eyes on Jesus = on top of your circumstances
- Eyes off Jesus = living a natural life ruled by your circumstances
- Eyes on Jesus = living a supernatural life (natural has no power)
This is vitally important to understanding our walk in the Kingdom. Why? One reason is you have an enemy. He is real and he is on the attack toward you and your loved ones. But you cannot see him, so how to you deal with him? ( Ephesians 6:12) How to you counter an attack of an enemy that you cannot see with your natural eyes?
You have two choices.
First choice is to deal with this enemy by your 5 senses in the natural world based on your human logic and intellect. If you make this choice you are sunk. You are already defeated. This is because the natural is where Satan has his temporary reign (Ephesians 2:2) and where you have no power. In the natural, your circumstances dictate your outcome.
Second choice is to deal with this enemy supernaturally from within the Kingdom of God by the Word of God Who has an immeasurable greatness of power that He works toward us who believe. In the supernatural, the Word of God dictates your outcome.
You are choosing between the natural life and the supernatural life. You are choosing between walking that minefield alone trusting your own intellect or walking in the Kingdom of God, trusting completely in His Word. Choose wisely, because the choice you make will effect every aspect of your life.
Continue to Lesson 9 – Kingdom Mindset
To return to the beginning of the teaching series – Introduction, click here
Lesson 1 – A Kingdom Purpose
Lesson 2 – The Importance of Seeking God’s Kingdom
Lesson 3 – Expectations in the Kingdom
Lesson 4 – Entering the Kingdom
Lesson 5 – The Kingdom Beyond
Lesson 6 – A Multidimensional Kingdom
Lesson 7 – Kingdom Protection