Do you relate to any of these statements?
- I don’t really want to admit it to anyone, but the Bible seems a little boring.
- I pray all the time, but nothing seems to happen. It just doesn’t work for me.
- I hear stories all the time about people being healed or having other miracles, but I have never had it happen in my life. Why doesn’t it happen for me?
- I’m not sure if God can really love me.
- I don’t think I am good enough for God to do a miracle in my life.
- I read about seeking first the “Kingdom of God,” but I don’t know what that means.
- I am fed up with my life not working. I want to do things God’s way. But I need help to do it. I need a teacher or mentor to guide me.
This is your heart, your desire. You love the Word of God. You proclaim Jesus as your Lord. But you read the Bible and you see things there you cannot quite understand or relate to. You hear stories about how others have their prayers answered, or experience grand miracles or healings, but you cannot figure out why it doesn’t seem to work for you. You read about “the peace that surpasses all understanding.” It’s in your Bible, but it’s not in your life. No, your life is stress and striving and contention. Why is that?
You read your Bible, but you know your life does not look like what your Bible says. Deep inside there is a longing for more – more understanding, more knowledge, more wisdom. You want more of God, but the world is lulling you with its siren’s long of conformity.
Ladies, it is time to armor up, strengthen yourself in the Word of God, and shake off those chains of conformity! I am here to point out the narrow way, guide you through obstacles of resistance, redirect you from the world’s ways to the deeper things of Christ Jesus. My goal is to reveal the truth of the Kingdom of God and help you discover your Purpose in that Kingdom.
You are a woman of destiny! Your assignment is to discover the reality of this Kingdom and fulfill your God-given purpose in it. No matter your past, it is now time to live your life with Power and Peace. The way forward is to become a Kingdom Purpose Woman!
Lesson 2 – The Importance of Seeking God’s Kingdom